CountryGuideline nameKeywordsLink
JapanAct on Japanese Agricultural Standards
JapanAct on Protection of Names of Specific Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products and Foodstuffs
JapanAct on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
JapanAct on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging
JapanAct on the Quality Control of Fertilizer
JapanAct on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc.
JapanAgricultural Chemicals Regulation Act
JapanCircular Notice on Operation of Functionality Standards under the Regulation on Safety of Containers
JapanCircular Notice on Operation of Functionality Standards under the Regulation on Safety of Containers Relating to International Reciprocal Recognition
JapanElectrical Appliances and Apparatus Quality Labeling Regulation
JapanEnforcement Regulations on the Medical Care Act
JapanEstablishment of the nomenclature and classification table concerning industries pursuant to the provision of the Cabinet Order Providing for Industrial Classification and Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Death to be used for Statistical Surveys
JapanFood Labeling Act
JapanFood Sanitation Act
JapanHigh Pressure Gas Safety Act
JapanHousehold Goods Quality Labeling Act
JapanMiscellaneous Manufactured Goods Quality Labeling Regulation
JapanNarcotics and Psychotropics Control Act
JapanOrder for Enforcement of the Household Goods Quality Labeling Act
JapanPatent Act
JapanPlastic Goods Quality Labeling Regulation
JapanPublic Notice on Details of Labeling and Methods of Container Reinspection Pursuant to the Regulation on Safety of Containers
JapanRegulation for Enforcement of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards
JapanRegulation for Enforcement of the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
JapanRegulation on Safety of Containers
JapanRegulation on Safety of Containers Relating to International Reciprocal Recognition
JapanRegulations for Enforcement of the Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Act
JapanRegulations for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act
JapanTextile Goods Quality Labeling Regulation
JapanTrademark Act